Write For Us

If you want to publish your content on মালঞ্চ আবৃত্তি সংস্থা, then your content must first satisfy the conditions below. These are the terms of our Guest Posting: -

·        1)The quality of your content should be great.
·        2)You can just write an article by focusing on quality and add value to the readers.
·        3)Your content must be within 1000 words(for a story, drama, literature, etc) or 50 lines(for poems) long. If any article is greater than this length then it will be rejected.
·        4)There should not be any grammatical mistakes in your content nor spelling mistakes, and be sure that you use the Bengali language. 
·        5)You can also add visual content such as Images and Videos with textual content. If you submit the blog post in মালঞ্চ আবৃত্তি সংস্থা then it must have at least an image.
·        *You cannot use copyrighted content or images. Make sure your post is brand new. After the publishing of your post, you cannot republish that post even you cannot post it on your personal blog or website.*
·        You can not add any of your other personal URLs in the middle of the entire blog post unless it is part of the subject of your blog post.

Send Us Your Name Email  To  writeforus.malancha@gmail.com


Any story

Personal experience



Inner view